How I help . . .
I enjoy helping clients look at their unique situations, opportunities and problems from different angles and using my skills to help them succeed. One of my proudest moments while working at Adams Brown was helping a long-time employee of a local business navigate the purchase of the business from the retiring owners. When I first met the client, he had already been presented with a plan from the owners to purchase the business. The first step we took was to help him understand the offer. We were able to demonstrate to him how the business operations did not support the price offered to him and how the structure of the sale put him in an unfavorable tax position. We armed him with the information needed to go back to the owners and negotiate a nearly 50% decrease in the sales price, while also creating a more tax favorable structure for the sale.
Over the course of several months, we helped prepare information and work with his bankers and business principals to ensure that he would have the financing to complete the purchase. Once all this was completed, we worked with his attorney to setup the entities needed to put the client in the most favorable position for both tax and liability purposes. By looking at all the different angles, this client was in the best position to succeed.