Michelle Ryan

Overland Park, KS

How I help . . .

I’m passionate about helping businesses navigate the unknowns in the accounting space and helping them become more efficient and effective. I am particularly good at looking at complex issues, prioritizing the steps my clients need to take to solve them and helping them execute those steps.

One example of this is when I had a client whose CFO was leaving. The client needed help determining what they were going to do without their CFO. We sat down and captured the tasks this person was responsible for, identified who could complete that task going forward and captured any additional information to properly transition the task to another person. I helped facilitate this process and helped them map out the steps they were going to take to keep the business running strong, even with a key person leaving the organization.

“I'm an advisor here to help navigate the complex world of accounting and business.”

Q&A with Michelle

What does above + beyond mean to you?
Doing more for our clients than just the basics. It means being a teammate to my clients, working together, learning together, and growing together.
Do you have any specialized skills outside of work?
I'm an organizer by nature; it creeps into all aspects of my life. I'm also a full-time mom and activity junkie. Managing multiple projects and priorities is my normal.
What are some of your favorite things?
I love all food, so it’s hard to pick just one! But steak alfredo is at the top of the list. I like a variety of music — usually something with a lot of energy and a good beat. For reading, I like business books and nonfiction. In sports I like volleyball, softball, basketball and I used to do track.
What are you most proud of and why?
My family, my career and the fact that I have been able to balance both and feel like I have a well-rounded life.
What do you enjoy most about your work at Adams Brown?
That we are able to help so many people in a variety of ways. This includes both our clients and our team. We all have opportunities to grow and learn every day.

Life Outside the Office

Hobbies & Interests

  • Spending time with my kids and family
  • Reading
  • Sports
  • Being outdoors

Frequented Websites

  • Amazon
  • Twitter
  • News sites

Little Known Facts

  • I used to play a lot of fastpitch softball in the summers. I started pitching when I was around 10 years old. I would throw about 100 pitches a day throughout the year to improve my skills and control.

My Professional History


  • Rotary International


  • Kansas State University
    • Bachelor of Business Administration
    • Master of Accounting

Work Highlights

  • Year joined Adams Brown: 2008
  • Year entered accounting: 2008


  • CPA
  • CGMA

Honors & Awards

  • AICPA/KSCPA Women to Watch Experienced Leader Award