Garden City, Kansas Sales Tax
What is Garden City’s Sales Tax Rate?
In 2021, the minimum combined sales tax rate within the city of Garden City, Kansas (67846 zip code) is 8.95%. Why 8.95%? This rate is the sum of the state, county, and city tax rates outlined below.
State of Kansas | 6.5% |
Finney County | 1.45% |
Garden City | 1.0% |
Total | 8.95% |
How is Sales Tax Calculated?
Your business’ exact street address is used to determine sales tax rate. In this instance, 8.95% is the minimum rate. However, the rate for your business may vary. For more information, download a city and zip code tax rate table from the Kansas Department of Revenue.
Online Sales Tax for Retailers
If you’re an online seller, there are some items to take into consideration for sales tax collection. In 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to close online sales tax loopholes in its landmark South Dakota v. Wayfair decision. The Supreme Court ruled that sales tax on internet retailers can be imposed by states, even if the retailer has no physical in-state presence.
The Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) took it a step further, earning the title “toughest in the nation” when it comes to sales tax collection. In 2019, KDOR issued a notice providing guidance to remote sellers doing business within the state. Online sellers without a physical presence in Kansas are required to collect and remit the applicable sales and use tax on sales delivered within the state. At the time of this KDOR decision, no other state had taken the same position.